Avoid Mortgage Mishaps

Avoid Mortgage Mishaps

Facts about moving: Decluttering and purging early will save you from relocating things you don’t want or don’t need. Creating a budget and sticking to it will help keep a home search on focus. Keeping as much of the home routine in tack … bedtimes, dinner menus, etc...
The Wheels on the Uhaul Go Round ‘N Round

The Wheels on the Uhaul Go Round ‘N Round

April showers might bring May flowers, but in North Texas, August heat brings school supplies, and school crossing lights. “A new school year means new beginnings, new adventures … and new challenges,”  admits About.com’s Parenting Teens Resources Guide...
Want to Be a Millionaire? Own [More] Real Estate

Want to Be a Millionaire? Own [More] Real Estate

What seems like forever ago, and yesterday at the same time, I often wandered the supermarket with a calculator in one had and coupons in the other, stretching each weeks’ paycheck as far as one could. Now, as retirement looms, I’m again looking at ways to extend and...
To HOA or to NOT HOA, That Is the Question

To HOA or to NOT HOA, That Is the Question

Join an HOA, they said! It’ll be FUN, they said! Frankly, being in an HOA is all well and good, until it’s not. I get it! “The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse,” advised 18th Century Anglo-Irish statesman and philosopher Edmund Burke. Full...