Using the Whole Bag of Tricks

Using the Whole Bag of Tricks

We all practice rhythms. It’s our own personal standard operating procedure, I get it! For me, the alarm goes off, climb out of bed, scrub the grime off my teeth … all before I’ve left the comfort of my room. Yet, for all the predictability of how my day starts,...
Making a [check]list and checking it thrice!

Making a [check]list and checking it thrice!

Life is full of milestones: first steps, first date, graduation(s), weddings, and becoming a homeowner are among those most anticipated, though for many people, the thought of being financially responsible for the care and maintenance of the four walls around them can...
Under One Roof

Under One Roof

More advancements in medicine, technology and communication have occurred since I graduated high school than in the entirety of all the calendar years beginning with 19. Yet, as the saying goes, the more things change, the more they stay the same. “Change does not...
Listen More, Talk Less

Listen More, Talk Less

The role of buyer agent is an honor. I have had the privilege of steer-heading like I’m the one buying the house: I want to vet each lender, I want to open every drawer, I want the inspector to show me where the filters go, and I want very much to put my pots and pans...
Date the Rate, Buy the House, Win Big

Date the Rate, Buy the House, Win Big

Though out life, a person experiences a multitude of different occasions when it seems like everyone knows more than them: · Teetering away from the wall while dad holds his arms promising to not let you fall · Sounding out words in the level one reader as...