An invitation into someone’s home … their safe space … is sacred and to be respected. Whether you’ve wrapped a hostess gift or brought a dish to share, appreciation is heartfelt. Yet, many of the times that I’m asked over is to discuss the process of emotionally turning a home full of memories into a house full of expendable assets. Often the request is from want, other occasions from need, and both are potentially overwhelming. I get It!
“Change can sometimes be scary,” concedes John Holland, author and spiritual teacher, “but often it is life’s way of moving you on to the next level.”
Many private conversations happen before I walk thru the door: what is the motivation for moving? will we stay local or start someplace new? will a move effect the kids? And on and on. The result of these initial conversations are the jump off point for when I’m seated at the table and we delve into when is the best time of year? how do we prepare our hearts and the house?
My job as a Realtor is to provide support and guidance by being prepared to provide answers for 3 questions before a seller has even thought to ask me:
Competitive Market Analysis: There are two schools of thought regarding WHAT a CMA is. First, a competitive market analysis is the process of determining who your competitors are, researching their strategies, and unpacking what they do well (and not so well) and using those points to position yourself to out-perform them. Second, a CMA (otherwise referred to as a comparable market analysis) estimates a home’s price based on recently sold, similar properties in the immediate area. Real estate agents and brokers use these reports to help sellers set listing prices for their homes and help buyers make competitive offers. In some markets a seller can do their own research, however, Texas is a non-disclosure state so only the MLS provides accurate data for both the sales price and any seller contributions paid to the buyer.
Marketing Plan: A marketing plan details the outreach and campaigns to be undertaken over a period, including how the agent will measure the effect of these initiatives. The functions and components of a marketing plan include the following: Market research to support pricing decisions and new market entries (continual review of comps and use of Reverse Marketing to identify buyer prospects), tailored and targeting messaging into their sphere, platform selection for product and service promotion beyond MLS such as facebook, mass-blast efliers, open houses, etc. Additionally, Realtors will share with the house-seller what THEY can do to help improve visibility (such as posts to private community social media sites) as well as how to stage or declutter the property to optimize photos taken and buyer tours.
Estimated Net: Net proceeds are the amount the seller receives following the sale of an asset after all costs and expenses are deducted from the gross proceeds. Charges in a real estate transaction fluctuate based on [not just] the sale price variable but also calculations change based on the time of year of sale. A real estate agent that details this math to a seller has provided them necessary information to make those next life decisions.
In my experience, being prepared with the who-what-when-where-why-and how answered before I’ve even rang the doorbell offers sellers that first needed step of comfort in the scariness of selling the house they no longer want or need for their home.